Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Healthiest Chick in the Bar's Worst Enemy

I really think that it is not the actual drinks but what comes AFTER the drinks that most prevents me from staying my skinniest… I’m talking about late night munchies. 

Back in college, my roomies and I would all sit around the table after coming home from the bar and attack a bag of chips or pretzels without limiting ourselves whatsoever.  I used to justify these pigging out sessions night after night by saying that it was what prevented me from being hung over the next day (its true, I am never hung over if I have something to eat before bed, but still…). 

Soon I realized that when I ate late at night after drinking, I consumed WAY more calories than I even did at dinner!  When I "wasn’t sober" (haha), I ate without consciously thinking about how much I was consuming.  It was a slippery, slippery slope: the more drinks I consumed that night, the more I ate afterwards. 

Reining in my eating after drinking, I believe, is the #1 change I can make to stay slim and fit.  If this means not even buying the tortilla chips altogether because I can’t eat them in moderation after a night at the bar, so be it.

How will you keep your late night munchies under control tonight?    

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